Interview - Sarah Sutton
Tribute - Peter Cushing: The Forgotten Doctor
Comic Strip - Food For Thought (Part 1)
The Telesnap Archive - The Ice Warriors 4
Archive - The Ark In Space
Feature - The Missing Stories: The Doomsday Contract (John Lloyd)
New Adventures Prelude: Falls The Shadow (David O'Mahony)
Interview - Sylvester McCoy (Part 3)
Feature - What The Censor Saw (Part 1)
Roy Castle - An Obituary
Matrix Data Bank
Comic Strip - The Cybermen : The Dead Heart (Part 4)


This issue, and the following one contain a free DWM Index (Compiled by Graeme Fowler), listing all the Archives, Interviews, Comic Strips and other atricles up to that time.

of course it doesn't show you what all the covers look like, unlike certain Websites! :-)