Tribute - John Nathan-Turner (Andrew Beech)
Tribute - John Nathan-Turner (Gary Gillatt)
Comic Strip - Uroboros (Part 1)
Coming up - Missing Adventure: Combat Rock (Mick Lewis)
Coming up - New Adventure: History 101 (Mags L Halliday)
Archive - Horror of Fang Rock
Feature - Excelis exposed
It's the end, but...

Special tribute issue to John Nathan-Turner who had passed away in May. The 2 tribute features include passages written by Sophie Aldred, Colin Baker, Pip & Jane Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Andrew Cartmel, Gary Russell, Graeme Harper, Ian Fraser (Production Manager), Fiona Cumming, Nicholas Courtney and Mike Tucker.

Roger Langridge surpasses himself with a gorgeous cartoon illustration for the review of 'Death comes to Time'.